Saturday, May 17, 2008

The start......

I'm starting this blog for my family and friends that I wont' get to talk to a lot over the next year or so.  For those of you who don't know, I'm going to be spending a year on the atoll of Majuro in the Marshall Islands.  I'm going there to teach high school Science.  More specifically I'll be teaching physical science, biology, chemistry, and physics.  

This dream to go as a student missionary started a year or two ago when I felt moved by God to volunteer to do this.  Some things made it so that I couldn't go this last school year, and I'm very thankful for that fact now that I can look back on it.   I do occasionally wonder what my life would be like if I would have gone this last school year, but I know I wasn't ready to give a year of my life at that point, so now I'm going to be going.  

This summer I'm going to be doing Literature Evangelism once again.  This summer I'm going to be again in Wyoming, its kind of fun, thats where I started doing summer programs at, so it should be a lot of fun.  

As of right now, I'll be leaving for the islands about the 2nd of Aug.  I don't know for sure, and when I leave Hawaii, I won't have cell service, so thats not a very good way to get ahold of me.  In fact, I'm really not sure yet the best way to get ahold of me while I'm over there.  I'll get back to you on that later, when I have more of a clue.  I'll try to keep up with this blog as much as I can.  

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