I was listening to a song the other day, it has become a favorite song over the years. Its done by Kenny G, it is Auld Lang Sine, but he adds some very famous pieces of speaches to it. It made me think.....what happened in the last year. For those that have been following this blog since its creations, you know what was happening last year. I was in the Marshall Islands, I've been back for nearly 8 months, there are parts of me that don't believe that it has been that long and others that say its been way longer. Some things, no matter how excting are starting to fade into the back of my mind, only by talking to fellow SM's do they come out. I've gotten to talk to a few of my fellow friends that went with me, its been amazing.
Today marks the first of January as you all know, but it also marks me being in the country only a few more weeks, in fact not even two weeks. My parent's don't like me talking about it, I understand it, I "just" got back, now I'm leaving.....its tough. Our instructor gave us time tables on when we sould have stuff done. I finally have "all" of my stuff together and packed up. I say "all" because I'm sure that I'll find more things that need to go in, but for now its done. I'm getting very excited about this trip, I'm hopeing that I'll find a piece of myself that seems to be missing since I came back from the Marshall Islands, hopefully I'll bring it back with me when I come back from Nicaragua. I just got done looking at the weather, it looks like its going to be about the same temperature as it was in the Marshall Islands, highs in the mid 80's, and something different than the Marshall's, lows in the mid 70's, it is a surprise, but I guess it is 14 degree's north instead of the 7 degrees that the Marshall's were, it will be a refreshment.
On Sunday I will be heading back to Union. We have 6 days to get conversational Spanish and Moskito down. We will be in the classroom for 4-5 hours a day learning the two languages. Then a weekend retreat, come back for one last day, then we fly the coup....figurativly of course. We will be leaving quite early Tuesday morning, not next, but the one after that. I'll update with times and places later, I don't know when we will first have internet when we get in country, but I'll update when I can.
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